Airpol NGS-M series generators use membrane technology to produce nitrogen. Their purpose is to separate nitrogen from other components of air, which in simple terms consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and other gases, including 0.9% argon.

NGS-M nitrogen generators are designed according to individual customer requirements, both in terms of nitrogen purity and destination (there is a possibility of container installation). This allows you to optimize investment costs and at the same time effectively replace traditional methods of supplying nitrogen in cylinders or in liquid form. Nitrogen generators are used in industry, laboratories, R&D departments, pharmacy and medicine, as well as for pumping tires with nitrogen. Our specialists will develop a customised nitrogen generation system tailored to your specific application. As we are an experienced manufacturer of nitrogen generators as well as compressors and compressed air treatment equipment, you can entrust us with the design, manufacture and installation of an entire compressed nitrogen production line that meets the highest quality standards.

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NGS-M generators use membrane technology to produce nitrogen. Their purpose is to separate nitrogen from other components of air, which in simple terms consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and other gases, including 0.9% argon. NGS-M nitrogen generators are designed according to individual customer requirements, both in terms of nitrogen purity and destination (there is a possibility of container installation). This allows you to optimize investment costs and at the same time effectively replace traditional methods of supplying nitrogen in cylinders or in liquid form.

Operation principle:

In NGS-M nitrogen generators, membrane operation is continuous, requiring no regeneration process. The compressed air is routed to the control system and then to the individual membrane columns, which are filled with fibres (membranes) inside which a thin layer separates the molecules of the individual gases. The separated nitrogen is directed to the outlet port of the membrane column, and then flows through the collector system to the nitrogen purity measurement and control system. The air enriched with oxygen is directed to a collective collector and then outside the room.


To ensure maximum efficiency and safety of the diaphragm generator and thus prolong its service life, it should be equipped with an appropriate compressed air treatment system. This system should include coalescing filters to ensure a maximum oil content of 0.01 mg/m3 in the compressed air (the recommended content is 0.003 mg/m3, which is ensured by the system: coalescing cartridge filter and carbon cartridge filter). The permissible content of solid particles is 0.01 µm. Upstream of the nitrogen generator a carbon column must be installed to separate the compressed air from hydrocarbon vapours and ozone which adversely affect the operation of the membrane column. Furthermore, the temperature of the pressure dew point of the compressed air should be maintained at +3°C.


Scheme of recommended nitrogen generation system



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