Airpol has been designing and manufacturing the highest quality compressed air pressure vessels for many years. Compressed air receivers manufactured by Airpol meet the highest strength standards in accordance with Directive 2014/68/EU. They are subject to conformity assessment by a selected notified body according to module “G” of the Directive. The pressure vessels are manufactured from low-alloy steel with increased strength and greater corrosion resistance or from stainless steel, powder coated or galvanised.

Each Airpol pressure vessel has the required documentation and approvals, including the required pressure certificate and approval of the Office of Technical Inspection. As a standard, the air receivers are made in a vertical arrangement in colour RAL 5000. They can also be delivered in a horizontal execution – according to working conditions or adapted to be fitted with a compressor. The operating temperature of the pressure vessels ranges from -20°C to +50°C.

As a manufacturer, we also provide compressed air receivers made according to individual customer requirements, both in terms of the desired technical parameters, medium, pressure vessels surface finish and colour scheme. We invite you to get acquainted with our offer.

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Model Air volume [l] Pressure [bar] Weight [kg] Connection Dimensions [mm]
KP-100-11 100 11 61 G 1 Ø406x1116
KP-100-16 100 16 74 G 1 Ø406x1116
KP-100-40 100 40 98 G 1 Ø406x1140
KP-150-11 150 11 70 G 1 Ø457x1350
KP-150-16 150 16 92 G 1 Ø457x1350
KP-150-40 150 40 110 G 1 Ø457x1400
KP-200-11 200 11 100 G 5/4 Ø508x1460
KP-200-16 200 16 130 G 5/4 Ø508x1460
KP-200-40 200 40 150 G 5/4 Ø508x1460
KP-250-11 250 11 106 G 5/4 Ø508x1755
KP-250-16 250 16 175 G 5/4 Ø508x1760
KP-250-25 250 25 185 G 5/4 Ø612x1330
KP-250-40 250 40 160 G 5/4 Ø616x1330
KP-300-11 300 11 115 G 5/4 Ø608x1450
KP-300-16 300 16 160 G 5/4 Ø610x1450
KP-300-25 300 25 180 G 5/4 Ø612x1450
KP-300-40 300 40 210 G 5/4 Ø616x1450
KP-400-11 400 11 170 G 5/4 Ø608x1790
KP-400-16 400 16 200 G 5/4 Ø610x1790
KP-400-25 400 25 240 G 5/4 Ø612x1790
KP-400-40 400 40 260 G 5/4 Ø612x1790
KP-500-11 500 11 190 G 5/4 Ø600x2120
KP-500-16 500 16 250 G 5/4 Ø610x2140
KP-500-25 500 25 260 G 5/4 Ø612x2140
KP-500-40 500 40 270 G 5/4 Ø616x2140
KP-700-11 700 11 225 G 5/4 Ø910x1510
KP-700-16 700 16 230 G 5/4 Ø912x1510
KP-700-25 700 25 295 G 5/4 Ø916x1510
KP-700-40 700 40 365 G 5/4 Ø920x1510
KP-900-11 900 11 195 G 2 Ø910x1742
KP-1000-11 1000 11 210 G 2 Ø910x1910
KP-1000-16 1000 16 295 G 2 Ø912x1950
KP-1000-25 1000 25 380 G 2 Ø916x1950
KP-1000-40 1000 40 470 G 2 Ø920x1950
KP-1500-11 1500 11 280 G 2 Ø910x2800
KP-1500-16 1500 16 400 G 2 Ø912x2810
KP-1500-25 1500 25 525 G 2 Ø916x2770
KP-1500-40 1500 40 655 G 2 Ø920x2770
KP-2000-11/1,0 2000 11 395 G 2 Ø1010x2940
KP-2000-11 2000 11 390 G 2 Ø1210x2330
KP-2000-16 2000 16 490 G 2 Ø1212x2330
KP-2000-25 2000 25 590 G 2 Ø1220x2350
KP-2000-40 2000 40 705 G 2 Ø1228x2350
KP-2500-11 2500 11 470 G 2 Ø1210x2770
KP-2500-16 2500 16 610 G 2 Ø1216x2810
KP-2500-25 2500 25 1015 G 2 Ø1220x2800
KP-2500-40 2500 40 1220 G 2 Ø1228x2800
KP-3000-11 3000 11 535 G 2 Ø1210x3240
KP-3000-16 3000 16 690 G 2 Ø1216x3300
KP-3000-25 3000 25 1150 G 2 Ø1220x3250
KP-3000-40 3000 40 1380 G 2 Ø1228x3250
KP-4000-9 4000 9 640 G 3 Ø1410x3150
KP-4000-11 4000 11 780 G 3 Ø1616x2550
KP-4000-12 4000 12 700 G 3 Ø1412x3160
KP-4000-14 4000 14 1000 G 3 Ø1616x2550
KP-4000-16 4000 16 960 G 3 Ø1416x3160
KP-4000-25 4000 25 1450 G 3 Ø1424x3200
KP-4000-30 4000 30 1450 G 3 Ø1424x3200
KP-4000-40 4000 40 1700 G 3 Ø1432x3200
KP-5000-9 5000 9 680 G 3 Ø1410x3830
KP-5000-11 5000 11 930 G 3 Ø1616x3050
KP-5000-12 5000 12 820 G 3 Ø1412x3830
KP-5000-14 5000 14 1185 G 3 Ø1616x3100
KP-5000-16 5000 16 1090 G 3 Ø1416x3830
KP-5000-25 5000 25 1650 G 3 Ø1424x3840
KP-5000-30 5000 30 1650 G 3 Ø1424x3840
KP-5000-40 5000 40 1900 G 3 Ø1428x3860
KP-6000-9 6000 9 900 G 3 Ø2016x2540
KP-6000-11 6000 11 1050 G 3 Ø2016x2540
KP-6000-12 6000 12 995 G 3 Ø1412x4500
KP-6000-14 6000 14 1350 G 3 Ø1616x3400
KP-6000-16 6000 16 1170 G 3 Ø1416x4500
KP-6000-25 6000 25 1950 G 3 Ø1424x4500
KP-6000-30 6000 30 1950 G 3 Ø1424x4500
KP-8000-11 8000 11 1620 G 3 Ø1616x4550
KP-8000-14 8000 14 1520 G 3 Ø1820x3700
KP-8000-16 8000 16 1485 G 3 Ø2020x3250
KP-10000-8 10000 8 1300 G 3 Ø2012x3830
KP-10000-11/1,6 10000 11 1985 G 3 Ø1612x5690
KP-10000-11/1,8 10000 11 1900 G 3 Ø1816x4600
KP-10000-11 10000 11 1830 G 3 Ø2016x3900
KP-10000-14/1,8 10000 14 1800 G 3 Ø1820x4600
KP-10000-14 10000 14 1830 G 3 Ø2020x3900
KP-10000-16 10000 16 1830 G 3 Ø2020x3900
KP-12000-8 12000 8 1500 G 3 Ø2012x4500
KP-12000-11 12000 11 2020 G 3 Ø2016x4500
KP-12000-14 12000 14 2020 G 3 Ø2020x4500
KP-12000-16 12000 16 2020 G 3 Ø2020x4500
KP-15000-8 15000 8 1750 G 2 Ø2012x5400
KP-15000-11 15000 11 2385 G 2 Ø2016x5400
KP-15000-11/2,2 15000 11 2500 G 2 Ø2216x4645
KP-15000-14 15000 14 2385 G 2 Ø2020x5400
KP-15000-16 15000 16 2385 G 2 Ø2020x5400
KP-20000-10 20000 10 2900 G 2 Ø2216x5980
KP-20000-10 20000 10 2710 G 2 Ø2416x5100
KP-20000-11 20000 11 2710 G 2 Ø2416x5100
KP-20000-14 20000 14 3400 G 2 Ø2420x5100
KP-25000-10 25000 10 3500 G 2 Ø2216x7330
KP-25000-10 25000 10 3250 G 2 Ø2416x6180
KP-25000-11 25000 11 3300 G 2 Ø2416x6180
KP-25000-14 25000 14 4065 G 2 Ø2420x6187
KP-30000-10 30000 10 4075 G 2 Ø2216x8630
KP-30000-10 30000 10 3770 G 2 Ø2416x7280
KP-30000-11 30000 11 3835 G 2 Ø2416x7280
KP-30000-14 30000 14 4735 G 2 Ø2420x7290

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